Back for good?

Yep, we're open. And, we want you back (again).

As I write this on Dec 1st, Berkhamsted High Street is full people, busy cleaning, polishing and decorating their shops and businesses. Everyone is getting ready to re-open for the shortest Christmas ever.

You know how normally, every year, some curmudgeonly old git phones-in to Radio Whinge FM's Talk Show and complains that Christmas starts in April and its just about selling stuff and they're weren't actually 3 Wise Men and how they hate, Love Actually and how all in all, its not what the Baby Jesus would've wanted... Well, they're not doing that this time, are they?

There's been no "only 87 shopping days left" countdowns. The advertising hasn't been incessant. There are no "must have" bits of future landfill being fought and cried over.

This time, Christmas is precious.

It won't last forever. And maybe, it'll be a bit weird. But the reason, even curmudgeonly old gits like me secretly love Christmas, is because it reminds us all to take a pause, to be better people and to tell the people that we care about, that we really do care.

So, hold on to it.

Oh, and since it is now Officially ChristmasTM and this is a shop, maybe buy something nice from us? Or don't. Your choice. Make Christmas what you want. You deserve it. We'll be here now every day until the 24th, if you need us.

