Print Sizes are approximate

Please choose one of the Print Sizes from the list.

Print Sizes for photographic prints were traditionally specified in inches, i.e. a “6x4” print is approximately 6 inches by 4 inches in size and 8x10 is approximately 8 inches by 10 inches, etc. However, in today’s metric world, print sizes are normally rounded to meet metric sizes, i.e. a “6x4” print is 15cm x 10cm.

Careful/pedantic mathematicians might point out that 15cm <> 6 inches (15.24cm = 6 inches), but in the world of photo printing it sort of does. Additionally, the manufacturers of photographic paper and the machines that process them will have manufacturing tolerances on a few mm either way.

Prints will be sized to fit

All prints will be sized to fit.

This means that if the aspect ration of your image, differs from the aspect ratio of your chosen print size the image will be resized, cropped and zoomed to ensure that the image is printed edge to edge with no unused paper.

This is normally what people want when they order photos.

However, if, for example, your image has an aspect ratio of 6x4 and you order a 10x8 print; your print would be a (slightly) cropped version of your original image. To get an uncropped print, you’d need to order a 12x8 print.

Digital Cameras

The “default” aspect ratio of images from many digital cameras is 6 x 4.5.


We strongly recommend that you crop your images to match the aspect ratio of the print size you require; before you upload your images.

If you don’t know how, you can always bring your images into the shop and we can show you how to crop them using our kiosks.